Welcome to Edison's Co

Innovative Like No Others

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If you need an edge with your storytelling, Edison's Co can help.

Committed to Excellence

Established in 2015, Edison's Co. started as a design-focused coding firm based in Berkeley, California. Like Thomas Edison, who improved on the lightbulb design, Edison's Co is all about iterations, design, and strategy that bring your business to the next level.

Edison's Co. brings together entrepreneurs and a team of designers/coders who specialize in digital product design, service design, brand identity, user experience, graphic design, and packaging.​

Having partnered with renowned design firm Ammunition, tech companies such as HTC, and service-oriented companies such as Lyft, Edison's Co. is a powerhouse for innovation and growth. We not only help our clients achieve their vision, but we also inspire and ignite possibilities that are impossible without an intricate partnership between a stellar client and an agency filled with strategies and professionalism.

In 2022, Edison's Co. turns its focus back to Asia, focusing on developing in the direction of Web 3.0, and cooperating with related companies and industries. Our primary service content is consultant, global PR, strategy ideas, and peripherally related business.

​Contact us if you would like to learn more about our projects or potentially work with us.

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Johnson Chiang

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