Welcome to Edison's Co

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Start Your Free Trial

Welcome to Edison's Co


Starting at
7-Day Money-Back Guarantee
$9.9 per day
get started with a free trial
  • Brand Strategy Consultation
    30-Day Content Strategy Planning
  • 30-Day Social Media Content Planning
    1-Week Worth of Social Media Content
  • Brand Story
  • 2 Search Engine Optimized Blog Articles
  • Delivered within 3 Days

3-Month Package

Starting at $6,000

Includes 3-month worth of social media content for all channels, SEO blog articles and 1 press release.
Contact us

6-Month Package

Starting at $10,000

Includes 6-month worth of social media content for all channels, SEO blog articles and 6 press releases.
Contact us

Complete Brand Package

Starting at $21,000

Includes 6-month worth of social media content for all channels, video content, SEO blog articles and 6 press releases.

Let us show you the way to success.

Building social media presence is the future. Start connecting with your customers efficiently and effectively.
Start Your free trial
Social media

Strategize and plan up to six month worth of content

We take the load off of your shoulders by preparing social media content on schedule. Our team of experienced writers creates content quickly and efficiently while still being cost-effective.

This gives you more time to focus on developing other areas of your business.

Develop brand consistency with tone of voice

Our team examines your target customers and creates content that not only accurately reflects your brand values, but also resonates with them on a personal level.

Market smarter. Be effective by sending out the right messages.
idea validation

Turn your ideas into reality

We know starting a new business can be a hassle. So we help you determine whether your business idea is feasible and has market potential.

By quickly setting up social media campaigns, we help you assess the risks and potential for success associated with your idea, and provide you with feedback on how to improve your idea and make it more viable from the community.
press release

Expand your reach and harness the power of media

We distribute your press release to a wide range of journalists, reporters, editors, and news outlets. This is the fastest way for you to promote your products or services and build brand credibility on search engines.

Choose our growth package to have your press release appear on major outlets, including Yahoo!, Bloomberg and more.
Start with a Free consultation

We Take Care of Your Social Media, So You Can Take Care of Your Business.

Start your free trial
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